Seasonal hair loss in spring

In spring, stimulate your hair's regrowth to help you cope with early-season hair loss. At this time of year, it's essential to treat and rebalance the three vital functions of your hair if you already tend to lose them...


If your hair falls out more than usual at the start of the season (spring and autumn), this is simply a manifestation of your physiological clock and there's not much you can do about it. You can, however, do something about your new growth and ensure that it is as thick and plentiful as the hair it replaces.

These hair loss seasonal changes are not insignificant if your hair already tends to fall out or thin out during the rest of the year. Your new growth won't be identical to the previous growth, and your hair will become a little thinner with each new season.


The scalp test helps you determine whether or not there are sebaceous impurities (solidified sebum) around your roots, while the magnifying glass test helps you assess the diameter of your hair.


Scalp test

Pinch the skin of your scalp by grasping it firmly between your thumb and forefinger and placing your fingers on the top and back of your head. For a reference point, also perform this movement above the ears, where the skin is most supple.

Result. If you manage to pinch your skin tightly over the entire scalp, it's a sign that the blood is circulating freely and that your hair can grow and flourish without irrigation problems. On the other hand, if it's difficult to squeeze your skin between two fingers, this means that blood circulation is hampered by poor elimination of sebaceous impurities and that your new growth is likely to be less vigorous.


Run your hand through your (dry) hair several times, squeezing your fingers together, to collect a few hairs. Place these loose hairs on a sheet of paper and repeat the operation in different places: front and top of the head, sides and nape of the neck. Try to collect at least ten hairs in all, then observe them with a magnifying glass.

The result. Healthy hair should be of equal thickness, wherever it is collected. If you notice differences in diameter, it may be a sign of temporary fatigue or stress, but it could also be a symptom of a more long-term condition that needs to be identified and treated.


Hair massage-woman4

The hands are one on top of the other, with the top hand (completely covering the bottom hand) used for extra strength. By bringing both palms together in a single movement, apply enough pressure to pinch the skin of the scalp. Duration: 1 minute to cover the whole head. Frequency: 2 times a week.

Women's hair massage5

If you have a particularly thick scalp, massage in small pinches after first placing a warm, wet (but wrung-out) towel on your head. The difference between the ambient temperature and that of the towel will help dilate the blood vessels and make the movement easier to perform.

Another golden rule: to eliminate sebaceous impurities, keep an eye on your diet. Take advantage of spring to eat more fruit and vegetables, raw or cooked. You'll feel better and so will your hair.


If some of your hairs are thinner in diameter than others (magnifying glass test), it's best to first have the following established an in-depth diagnosis of your hair. If necessary, we can advise you on a local "early season" treatment, which will provide your regrowth with all the elements it needs to develop and reverse its deterioration. Read Clauderer Serum n°6R

To optimise the effect of the local treatment, we recommend a course of oral vitamins. Our advice: make sure that the vitamin complex you select contains the three ingredients necessary for hair growth in the right quantities: sulphur amino acids, the main components of keratin, zinc, which promotes the synthesis of these acids, and vitamin B6, which enhances the action of the first two.

Food supplements-roots-plus

WORTH NOTING. At the Centre Clauderer, we offer Racines Plus cures, which are vitamins we've added in high doses and which focus on the vigour of regrowth. If you are interested, write to us at to give us your name and postal address. We will then send you a non-binding mail order form.

Ingredients for 2 Racines Plus capsules
Rice protein hydrolysate: 90 mg. Brewer's yeast: 60 mg. Dried pumpkin seed extract: 60 mg. Dried watercress extract: 30 mg. Dried stinging nettle extract: 18 mg. Anticaking agent: silicon dioxide. Anticaking agent: magnesium stearate. Vitamin B3: 16 mg*. Zinc (oxide): 10 mg*. Vitamin B5: 6.0 mg*. Vitamin B6: 1.4 mg*. Vitamin B2: 1.4 mg*. Vitamin B8: 50 µg*. Plant-based envelope: maltodextrin. Lactose-free.

* 100% of RDI (Recommended Daily Intake). Exceeding the percentages recommended by the EU is pointless as our body eliminates the surplus.

Jean-François Cabos

Jean-François Cabos is the creator of a unique hair care method based on the research he coordinated, which led to the publication of the book Hair, Roots of Life with Hélène Clauderer published by Robert Laffont (Collection "Réponses/ Santé").

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