Hair transplant: preparing well

As experts in hair health and regrowth, the Centre Clauderer team assists many customers who want to maximise their chances when preparing for a hair transplant. 

Sometimes all it takes is a comment from someone close to you - "Your forehead is growing" - or a look in the mirror - "My head is balding, my gullets are hollowing out" - and reality sets in: our hair isn't what it used to be and our mirror reflects an image of someone else: more tired, even ill, or worse still, "old"!

Yet we live in a world where the image we project of ourselves is paramount. Our society is also one of speed: we want visible results, right away.

In this context, hair transplants can provide a satisfactory solution for reshaping very thin areas such as the gulfs, filling in the absence of hair in the case of, for example, traction alopecia or permanent baldness of the vertex. It will still be necessary to wait a few months before observing the final result, generally 8 to 12 months after the operation. 

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Traction alopecia can seriously damage your hair capital

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For decades, hair transplants were considered to be last-chance operations, reserved for wealthy, mainly male patients who could afford to spend time and money on hair implants.

Today, hair transplants have evolved considerably:

  • more affordable  
  • more effective surgical techniques (FUE and FUT) 
  • more natural results 
  • adapted to the characteristics of hair loss in both men and women
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Depending on the size of the area to be filled, hair transplant techniques differ

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Attitudes have changed too, and it's not uncommon to hear young colleagues swapping "hair transplant tips" over the coffee machine. 

But beware: "popularity" does not mean "safety". Before embarking on what remains a surgical operation with all the consequences it entails (allergic reactions, post-operative pain, surgical error always possible), you need to think carefully. In addition to the technical questions that a serious practitioner will be able to answer with complete transparency, there are also psychological questions to be answered: how to accept your new image, how to deal with the gaze of those who knew you before and see you again afterwards, should you talk to them about it or not?

At Centre Clauderer, we offer natural cosmetic solutions that facilitate hair strengthening to postpone or even avoid hair transplants. In the case of androgenetic alopecia, whether male or female, we can help to slow down its effects over the long term.

A hair transplant, like any surgical operation, cannot be improvised. Not only do you need to be well informed about the seriousness of the establishment and the skills of the doctor who will be officiating, but you also need to prepare the ground, a bit like running a marathon. Before running more than 40 km in a few hours, you need to prepare yourself, both physically and psychologically. The key word: ANTICIPATE.

If you've decided to undergo baldness surgery, here are 3 things Clauderer can definitely help you with: 

  • Scalp health: there is no particular risk in the case of a few red spots or temporary scalp irritations.However, in the case of eczema or inflammatory scalp disease such as psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis, these diseases can seriously hamper the success of the hair transplant, and the operation will have to be postponed or not considered at all. The same applies in the case of a mycosis-type infection, which can lead to post-operative complications. Other risks in the case of a diseased scalp include: spread of the original infection, greater likelihood of graft rejection, poor healing, slower recovery - in short, a disappointing result. Rather than taking risks or giving up your operation, treat your scalp beforehand with a purifying Lait Clauderer. Applied to the entire scalp before shampooing, the Lait purifies the scalp, helps eliminate dandruff and provides rapid comfort by quickly soothing itching. Based on your personalised diagnosis, your Specialist will recommend Lait N°1R or Lait N°3R. In just a few weeks, you'll have a healthy, clean and comfortable scalp.
  • Hair reinforcement: no strong implants without a strong donor area. Generally, grafts (from 1,500 to 4,000 grafts, depending on the size of the area to be filled) are taken from the nape of the neck or the sides (for women). 1 graft = 1-4 hairs. The nape of the neck is naturally not very receptive to the effects ofandrogenetic alopecia and its aggravating factors. In fact, you've probably noticed that your hair is often denser and more resistant there than on the temples or the top of the head, for example. The nape of the neck is therefore an ideal area for removing hair without causing aesthetic damage. The thicker the hair removed, the better its chances of survival once implanted. And the more beautiful and full the recipient area will be in the long term. Clauderer serum is designed to stimulate hair growth right from the root. Better nourished, the hair that grows will be stronger, more resistant and last longer. It's the ideal solution for strengthening existing hair and densifying an area that has begun to thin. The quality of the donor area does not depend solely on the age at which you decide to have your first transplant. However, age does matter: too young and the baldness may progress further, increasing the risk of needing new implants in an area that is already under strain; too old and the donor area itself will have become too weak to give good results.
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Clauderer hair care for everyone!

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  • Graft survival rate: whatever the number of hairs implanted and whatever the technique chosen, once the scabs have fallen off, surgeons estimate that a certain percentage of grafts do not survive. This percentage of loss can vary from 40 to 5 % depending on the individual, but the risks can be reduced by implanting perfectly healthy hair. After the operation, to maximise the proportion of surviving grafts, doctors recommend using very gentle care, avoiding rough handling (massages) and applying an alcohol-based regrowth stimulant such as Minoxidil, which is a little counter-intuitive. Why not continue the good habits acquired before the operation and consolidate the results of the transplant with Clauderer's anti-hair loss serum? The Clauderer serum will act on new hair growth in the same way as on the original hair:
    • by stimulating regrowth, we optimise the proportion of surviving grafts
    • By extending the lifespan of each hair, not only are the results visible more quickly, but by regenerating the hair in the donor area, you also have the possibility of a new transplant with hair that is still strong.
    • By stimulating the hair follicles, you can protect your hair - in all areas - for a long time to come. Who knows, you might not even want another transplant?

Hair transplants: whether you're still thinking about it or you've already made up your mind, Centre Clauderer's hair care products will give you the best possible chance of success at the time of the operation. Scalp preparation, hair reinforcement before and after, implant survival: at every stage, Clauderer treatments will be your best allies.

Jean-François Cabos

Jean-François Cabos is the creator of a unique hair care method based on the research he coordinated, which led to the publication of the book Hair, Roots of Life with Hélène Clauderer published by Robert Laffont (Collection "Réponses/ Santé").