How can I make my hair grow faster?

Who hasn't dreamt of one day having long, dense, supple hair that fell to mid-back or even to the hips? Without necessarily wanting to achieve such lengths, perhaps you simply want to know how to make your hair grow faster and in the best conditions? To achieve this goal, you first need to know how hair grows under normal conditions. This will help you understand the levers you can use to make your hair grow back faster, without weakening it and while strengthening its resistance. 

After the theory, the practice! Knowing how hair grows is one thing, but getting hair to grow faster is quite another, as it depends on a number of factors: ethnic origin, gender, etc. are intrinsic factors that cannot be changed. But with a few advice, a tip or two and simple, effective hair care products, you can learn here how to make your hair grow a little faster and, above all, stimulate regrowth of perfectly healthy hair.


Hair grows from its roots. This root is in direct contact with the rest of the body via the blood that irrigates its hair follicle. To ensure healthy hair growth, your hair root needs a constant supply of oxygen, iron, proteins, minerals and vitamins via the blood vessels in the follicular papilla. A healthy diet is therefore the first and essential condition for hair growth (Cf.  Essential foods for healthy hair).


Depending on your genetic make-up and, above all, your ethnicity, hair growth can vary almost twofold.

- Asians are the lucky ones. Their hair has a broad, round shaft, deeply implanted (7 mm from the scalp), which results in strong, faster-growing hair. Along with Indians, they are the leading suppliers of natural hair wigs to the rest of the world.

- As for African-type hair, the hair is superficially implanted (2.5 mm), the shaft is oval, flattened and has a helical twist: the hair is twisted and grows more slowly (cf. characteristics of frizzy hair).

- Somewhere in between, Caucasian hair (Western), more or less round and flattened, give rise to a wide variety of hair styles: straight, wavy or curly, fine or thick. The average hair growth per month is around 1 cm and no more than 1.5 cm for the fastest.

+/- 0.8 cm per month
+/- 1 cm per month
+/- 1.5 cm per month

GOOD TO KNOW: Hair length doesn't just depend on how fast it grows. It also depends on the lifespan of your hair cycles. Here again, we're not all equal when it comes to nature, and hair growth depends on gender: for a man, the average life cycle of a hair varies between 2 and 4 years, whereas for a woman, the life cycle of a hair varies between 4 and 7 years, or even 10 years!


If you want your hair to be longer, you should know that is possible to help nature and increase its normal growth rate, whether you're a woman or a man, and whatever your hair type. However, there is one prerequisite: it is absolutely essential that you purify your scalp and roots to eliminate the impurities that can surround them and restrict their full activity, while subjecting these roots to a real "strengthening diet". A healthy scalp is therefore a prerequisite for good hair growth. This advice on hair growth applies equally to women's and men's hair regrowth.

To this end, Centre Clauderer has developed a range of natural hair products which significantly accelerates hair growth, while strengthening its quality. Combined with a specific protocol, Clauderer natural hair care products offer an effective solution for hair regrowth and full vitality from root to tip. Men and women will find the right answer to their needs, whether it's to treat thinning hair, hair that doesn't grow properly or quickly enough, or to promote faster regrowth, for all hair types.


Everyone has a different attitude to thinning hair. For a man, it's almost normal to see one's scalp receding over time, but it's often seen as inevitable: "that's life", "that's age"! For a woman, if, despite the expert hands of your hairdresser, your hair is still thinning, despair can quickly set in.

By following these common-sense tips, you can help stimulate your hair follicles and allow hair to grow back more vigorously.

Here are a few recommendations:

  • Scalp massage: with the Clauderer method, you'll stimulate blood micro-circulation and cleanse your scalp at the same time. Cleared of impurities (dandruff, pollution, etc.), the scalp can breathe and hair growth is no longer blocked by cellular waste. Using a vegetable oil to massage your scalp is often recommended, but not always a good idea, as too much oil can clog pores and suffocate the scalp. Choose a less oily texture, a cleansing milk is ideal. Another preconceived idea: your hairdresser may offer you a scalp massage when you shampoo your hair to help you relax. But be careful! If you don't do it right, you'll end up rubbing your scalp, causing more harm than good.
  • Hair care adapted to your hair type: products that are not adapted to your hair type can hinder hair growth. For example, certain plant oils, reputed to be excellent for hair growth and beauty, can be harmful if used too much or incorrectly. E.g. coconut oil: overuse, especially pure, will form an impermeable sheath around the keratin; as a result, instead of nourishing the hair, the thin film formed will prevent any moisturiser from penetrating, encouraging premature hair breakage instead of stimulating growth.
  • A healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins and trace elements, combined with regular, appropriate hair care, will form the basis of any hair routine designed to encourage the growth of weakened hair. Hair growth tip: Brewer's yeast (rich in group B vitamins, THE hair vitamin) in tablets or flakes every day to help hair grow back faster. 

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  • The right products, the right dose, the right frequency: while a shampoo, oil or hair mask will not, in themselves, make your hair grow faster, if they are well chosen (i.e. as natural as possible and adapted to your hair and scalp type) and used wisely, they will help to keep your hair healthy, strengthen it and prevent premature hair loss. A typical example of an ill-adapted product, often used in good faith and proving counter-productive, is baby shampoo, which is not formulated at all for washing adult hair.
  • A little tip for Afro or mixed-race hair: try to space out your shampoos, 2 times a month for example, and use a cleansing cream rather than a shampoo to deeply moisturise the keratin of your hair, which is often too dry. Give your hair regular deep treatments with a compulsory break (mask with an oil or a mixture of plant oils).
  • Treat your hair and scalp with kindness: there's no need to torture your scalp by rubbing it in the vain hope of making your hair grow faster! When massaging or shampooing, use the right techniques (see how to shampoo properly). It's also not a good idea to wear your hair too tightly (braids, ponytails, dancers' buns, etc.), as this will weaken your hair and encourage traction alopecia. Instead, ask your hairdresser for advice on a new style or haircut!
  • Be patient: hair doesn't grow back quickly, not in a matter of days or even weeks! While you're waiting for vigorous regrowth, pamper your hair and give it a suitable, flattering style.

If, despite this advice, you still don't know what to do to accelerate hair growth, our Specialists will be able to advise you and provide you with a complete solution during a personalised consultation (see hair diagnosis).

Further information: myths and facts about hair growth

3 very real facts, 4 (much) more far-fetched ideas on how to help your hair grow faster.

Just the facts:

  1. The first hair was African - The first humans on earth had black hair, since it has been proven that they originated from the African savannah (homo sapiens, 200,000 years ago). The extreme curl of their hair provided the brain with the best protection against the UV rays of equatorial climates.

In the 150,000 years that followed, during the migrations northwards, hair underwent major genetic mutations in terms of speed of growth, stiffening and lengthening, so that it could grow down to the shoulders and offer natural protection against the cold. This, at least, is the hypothesis supported by certain anthropologists.

  1. The longest hair is Chinese According to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest hair in 2004 belonged to Mrs Xie Qiuping, a Chinese woman in her fifties, with a head of hair of almost 6 metres.

How can I grow hair faster? 5

  1. The most beautiful hair is Indian - According to a 2010 study by Dr Y. Kamath of Princeton (New Jersey - USA), the Indians of the Indian subcontinent have the most beautiful and healthiest hair on earth. Several evaluation criteria were used to establish this distinction: total density of the hair, speed of growth, natural shine, fluidity of the hair and strength of the keratin.

There have been (and still are) many misconceptions about how to grow hair fast. Here are four that are still prevalent today:

1.Endless - the 100 brush strokes a day This is the trick our grandmothers used to recommend to give length and vitality to hair trapped in a bun all day. Over-brushing doesn't do anything for your hair, it just makes it look brittle. electrical or brittle and split ends.

How can I grow hair faster? 6

2.Uncomfortable - the headstand to stimulate hair growth! To give new growth more vigour, you need to stimulate irrigation to the roots, and doing a headstand does stimulate blood flow to the head. But a scalp massage will have the same effect, but without the discomfort of the position.

3.Indefensible - even today, the idea of cutting your hair when the moon is full (some hairdressers even claim to specialise in this type of cut!) or to shave them completely, to make them grow faster... Whatever the time or extent of the cut, it has no influence on the hair's vigour or how quickly it grows, because hair doesn't grow from the ends (like plants or grass) but from the roots. It's through the root (and the blood vessels that feed it) that everything happens.

How can I grow hair faster? 7

4.Totally false - the fact that frizzy hair doesn't grow that some women complain about in forums. These are false impressions: their hair is growing, but they don't realise it any more. What's going on? By imposing overly aggressive treatments on their hair (badly done straightening, heavy additions, tight braids, colours, etc.), these women don't give their hair time to lengthen. In fact, the amount of hair that breaks is such that their hair always stagnates at the same length. Our advice to you in this situation: stop torturing your hair and take a course of Clauderer serums. This will speed up hair growth and give you brand new hair more quickly, to replace damaged hair.

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Normally hair grows at the same speed, no matter where they grow. If yours grow less well on the front or top of the head than on the back, and especially if it thins out at the same time, it's a symptom of a more complex problem that requires further investigation cf. In-depth hair diagnosis of their roots and keratin. With this diagnosis, a comparative analysis of the roots at the front of the head with those at the back is the only way to understand what's going on. Because it's probably alopecia of a hormonal nature that will have to be treated accordingly, because the problem won't go away on its own!

Jean-François Cabos

Jean-François Cabos is the creator of a unique hair care method based on the research he coordinated, which led to the publication of the book Hair, Roots of Life with Hélène Clauderer published by Robert Laffont (Collection "Réponses/ Santé").

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