Hair loss - Page 4

Understand everything there is to know about hair fall, find out why it's not inevitable and what you can do about it.

  • Seasonal hair loss in spring

    Seasonal hair loss in spring

    In spring, stimulate your hair's regrowth to help you cope with early-season hair loss. At this time of year, it's essential to treat and rebalance your hair's three vital functions if you want to...
  • Seasonal hair loss in autumn

    Seasonal hair loss in autumn

    Like dead leaves, they come back every year between the end of August and the end of November! With a tailor-made Clauderer treatment, you can quickly regain your hair density.
  • Hair loss and puberty

    Hair loss and puberty

    WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHY DOES HAIR CHANGE AT PUBERTY? Hair changes from puberty onwards because from now on it will live and develop under the influence of male sex hormones (androgens) and male...
  • Stress and hair loss

    Stress and hair loss

    Can stress, which is said to be responsible for many ailments such as weight loss or gain, mood swings, sleep disorders, etc., also influence the life cycle of our hair and even accelerate hair loss? To find out...
  • Hair regrowth

    Hair regrowth

    "I'm losing my hair... it's thinning... it doesn't grow like it used to... How can I get my hair to grow back properly?" These complaints account for more than 95 % of the problems reported by our Clauderer customers. Whatever the cause of your hair loss...
  • How much hair can you lose every day?

    How much hair can you lose every day?

    WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT NORMAL DAILY HAIR LOSS Hair is constantly being renewed. It has a life cycle of just a few years. When one dies, another takes its place and causes it to fall out. It is therefore...