Natural anti-hair loss products: healthier, more effective active ingredients

To combat hair loss in women, why use synthetic substances when natural substances are healthier and more effective? Nobody disputes that a natural plant substance is healthier. However, the collective consciousness has not yet fully grasped that this same substance can also be more effective. And yet it is. We've taken eucalyptus, camphor and the exclusive CERES-1 (Clauderer Serum n°6R) and CERES-2 (Clauderer Serum n°7R) bio-complexes as examples.


We are increasingly wary of products made from synthetic ingredients. It is possible for a synthetic molecule to induce toxic side-effects that will only become apparent later on.


Any molecule is always surrounded by a hundred or so other micromolecules whose long-term effects are not necessarily all identified. These micro-assemblies can leave behind imperceptible particles, sometimes in the form of barely discernible traces. Over the years, their accumulation could trigger problems in our bodies and explain, for example, the current rise in cancer. This, knowing that the slightest change in the DNA of a substance can lead to a genetic mutation with far-reaching consequences for our health, and that cancer is nothing more than the anarchic multiplication of cells.


PEGs (polyethylene glycol) are synthetic surfactants, widely used in hair lotions, shampoos, conditioners and treatment creams, to make oils miscible with water. To obtain them, chemists react a natural fatty alcohol, castor oil, with a chemical oxide*. The result is a synthetic surfactant whose effects on the skin are not really known.

There is another surfactant obtained from sugar**. It provides the same services and has the immense advantage of having an entirely natural composition and is even recommended by ECOCERT. We use this type of surfactant at the Centre Clauderer because we know it is not likely to leave any negative traces.

Over the years, mistrust of chemical substances introduced into our food has extended to cosmetic products used for body care and hair problems. Today, a large majority of consumers prefer to turn to natural products, which are healthier and therefore safer for their health. Provided, of course, that they are effective.

* ethylene oxide
** decyl glucoside


Natural molecules are also surrounded by micro- or nano-molecules. In their case, these so-called "secondary" molecules are much more numerous. There are several hundred of them. Nature is thrifty. It uses every substance to transform others, which in turn transform others... This is the principle of metabolism: nothing is ever lost, everything is replenished, as the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras put it in the 5th century BC: "Nothing is born and nothing perishes, but things that already exist combine and then separate again".

And this infinite variety of metabolites*, the mechanisms of which are still far from all understood, gives natural products performances that no synthetic molecule can reproduce.


Both are antiseptics commonly used in medicine and cosmetics. Scientists compared a natural eucalyptol molecule with its synthetic copy. They discovered, without being able to explain it, that the former was twice as effective as the latter. A logical deduction: natural products contain hundreds of small particles, as yet undetected, but which also contribute to the final effectiveness of the sanitising product. This is why we use natural camphor and eucalyptus 100 % essential oils, among other essential oils, in the Laits Clauderer: they cleanse the hair and allow it to take full advantage of the strengthening active ingredients administered immediately afterwards.

* substance formed during metabolism

Jean-François Cabos

Jean-François Cabos is the creator of a unique hair care method based on the research he coordinated, which led to the publication of the book Hair, Roots of Life with Hélène Clauderer published by Robert Laffont (Collection "Réponses/ Santé").

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